We all are dealing with this pandemic. The circumstances are pretty horrible. We are intact to our homes. I saw through my window there was complete silence, and there was not anyone in the street. I was on the journey of isolation and separation. Then I saw some officers were on their duties to make sure that people are following the rules. And suddenly, Daniel Defoe’s book came into my mind. Then I realized that, yes, covid is not new. Maybe you find it strange that how covid is not a new disease. I will talk about covid differently. Not talk like covid-19 is a viral disease and it quite severe disease and blah blah. I am going to take this issue from a different perspective.

Last night I was reading a memoir by Daniel Defoe. In this memoir, Defoe talks about his personal experience in the 16th century of a plague. The plague eradicated London. It left horrible effects not only on London but on entire Europe. Defoe describes his experience about the struggles of the people of London, and he was the eye-witnessed of this pandemic. Infectious disease eradicated London. People from foreign countries brought the infection to London.
The lockdown confined the people in their homes. They were bound to stay in reservations. Similarly, the covid 19 destroyed our countries, and we are limited to our homes, and they were unable to earn money for themselves. The economic condition beat everything very severely. A similar situation occurred in 2020 when most people lost their jobs, and most countries faced harsh, devastating economic conditions. People remained under continuous struggle to make money. A similar situation occurred in Defoe’s memoir when the country’s lower class remained under privileges. The country’s superior class was fleeing from the government. Nothing has changed. We had witnessed the situation when people in India were dying, and they all were in devastation. The land was on fire, but all the elite class left their homes in their private jets. For example, all the Bollywood actress left their country for foreign countries.

They were enjoying their summer vacations in peaceful places. While on the other hand rest of the nation, who could not afford to move to other areas, lived in those unfortunate circumstances. The rest of the aristocrat class was saved and sounded in their place. During the pandemic of 2020, the wealthy class was safe and sound in their cozy homes, but, on the other hand, the middle and the working class were on the front of life to bear those severe consequences.
Defoe’s memoir shed light upon the superior class of the country in this way they left the country they left their homeland. They left their areas because they had resources, and they could easily adjust to other regions. But unfortunately, the lower class was forced to intact with their roots. Due to dire economic and agricultural conditions, the poor class-bound to eat citrus food, making their health more dreadful. You will find similarities between these two situations. Throughout history, the situation remained the same.

It is possible that whenever disease spreads, all the lower-class people have to bear the extreme consequences due to these pandemics. Throughout history, people working and the middle class remain submissive. So, the covid is not new the situation is not unique. There is a need to make new policies to conquered these circumstances because the only inferior class has to face the drastic effects of these viral diseases compared to the wealthy class.
Viral diseases have been attacking the world throughout history. Unfortunately, the inferior class remained at the target of these viral diseases. After reading this journal, I found a close relation between this memoir and the current situation. Ages have passed, but the case did not change. So, I concluded that corona is not new.